Saturday, August 10, 2013

Baby Kyle Update - August 10, 2013

Baby Kyle Update

August 10, 2013

So here we are - we are set to go in to the hospital tonight (Saturday) in preparation to be induced on Sunday. This is just a quick note about the events of today, and a thank you to everyone for all the help and support and love being sent our way. As I said on Facebook a few days ago, we have such a great circle of friends and family.

We were able to get a good night’s rest, and per doctor’s orders, Janice has been eating well today. My parents came up from Austin and we went with them and Janice’s parents for lunch. It was nice to see the family getting together like that.

We had another conversation with our advisor, Kate Taylor, and feel like between her, other friends (yes, including you, Carolyn D!) and the medical providers at our hospital and with our OB-GYN, we are in great hands. (BTW, to hear Janice’s radio show with Kate back in February where they talk about music therapy and childbirth, go here or use the link below.)

You can see Kate Taylor's business Facebook page here.

Now we are off to a birthday party for one of Janice’s brothers, then back to the house for a bit of a nap and one last check to make sure we have everything, then on into the hospital for what we hope is some basic medication, a good night’s sleep, and then tackle the Big Push tomorrow. It is a small thing, but if we are lucky, Kyle will be here in time to watch the FC Dallas match against LA….. But frankly, FCD better win. Kyle and his mother are grouchy when FCD doesn’t win and that’s no way to start off in this world, is it?

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